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Thanh Thai Cao
VinUniversity | College of Health Science

Cao Thanh Thai is an Orthopedic Residency Doctor from VinUniversity, Vietnam. He is an intern at Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center in Vinmec Times City International Hospital in Hanoi, Vietnam. He has experience working at an in-hospital 3D printed laboratory. He has previously worked as a research assistant for numerous studies on 3D technology and musculoskeletal disease.






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2024-10-26 15:35-15:40 会议室六-凤凰厅1 Meeting Room VI - Phoenix Room 1

自由发言(膝) Free speech (Knee)

讲者 Speaker In-hospital 3D-Printed Patient-Specific Instrumentation Guiding for Inverted V-shape High Tibial Osteotomy with Severe Varus DeformityIn-hospital 3D-Printed Patient-Specific Instrumentation Guiding for Inverted V-shape High Tibial Osteotomy with Severe Varus Deformity