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Sang Hak Lee
Kyung Hee University hospital at gangdong | Orthopedic surgery

I'm orthopedic surgeon who are working as professor in Kyung Hee University Hospital in Seoul. My practice specializes in knee sports medicine particularly focusing on knee ligament and meniscus surgery. 
I'm a member of the Korean Knee Society and Korean arthroscopy society. I'm also a member of ESSKA and lSAKOS. I was attended several times the meniscus meeting as faculty. Most recently we set up the meniscus Asian summit at Seoul in 2023.






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2024-10-26 15:30-17:30 会议室六-凤凰厅1 Meeting Room VI - Phoenix Room 1

自由发言(膝) Free speech (Knee)

主持 Moderator
2024-10-26 15:30-15:35 会议室六-凤凰厅1 Meeting Room VI - Phoenix Room 1

自由发言(膝) Free speech (Knee)

讲者 Speaker Clinical and radiologic evaluation of torn discoid lateral meniscus under the age of 20 on postoperative serial magnetic resonance imaging studyClinical and radiologic evaluation of torn discoid lateral meniscus under the age of 20 on postoperative serial magnetic resonance imaging study
2024-10-26 17:00-17:10 会议室四-东屿多功能厅D厅 Meeting Room IV - Dongyu Grand Ballroom D

APKASS Keynote speech APKASS Keynote speech

讲者 Speaker Clinical and magnetic resonance imaging results of parameniscal cyst after arthroscopic treatment : Related with preoperative cyst size and lateralityClinical and magnetic resonance imaging results of parameniscal cyst after arthroscopic treatment : Related with preoperative cyst size and laterality