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朱威宏 Weihong Zhu
中南大学湘雅二医院 Department of Orthopaedics, the Second Xiangya Hospitail, Central South University | 骨科






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2024-10-26 09:00-09:10 会议室二-东屿多功能厅B厅 Meeting Room II - Dongyu Grand Ballroom B

ASA论坛&China ASA Study Group成立仪式 ASA forum &China ASA Study Group Foundation Ceremony

讲者 Speaker 关节镜下自体髂骨植骨双袢弹性固定治疗复发性肩关节前脱位合并关节盂 巨大骨缺损Effectiveness of arthroscopic autologous iliac bone grafting wiislocation with massive glenoid bone defect
2024-10-26 15:30-17:30 会议室六-凤凰厅1 Meeting Room VI - Phoenix Room 1

自由发言(膝) Free speech (Knee)

主持 Moderator
2024-10-26 17:20-17:25 会议室六-凤凰厅1 Meeting Room VI - Phoenix Room 1

自由发言(膝) Free speech (Knee)

讲者 Speaker Comparison of the Proximal part of Common Digital Extensor Tendon in Four Different Animals Knee Joint: Anatomical Features, Arthroscopic Findings, and Functional assessmentComparison of the Proximal part of Common Digital Extensor Tendon in Four Different Animals Knee Joint: Anatomical Features, Arthroscopic Findings, and Functional assessment